I'm currently challenging myself with "Game a Week".

For the 36th week, I have created a game where you aim for the goal while collecting treasures.

As children, every place we go feels like an adventure.

Even small creatures and tiny steps can be dangerous obstacles.

However, overcoming those dangers may lead to discovering hidden treasures.

Perhaps, through these daily adventures, children grow and learn.

Controls :

Arrow Keys (WASD Keys):

  • Move left or right when pressing horizontally.
  • Climb ladders when pressing upward.
  • Reduce upward momentum during a jump when pressing downward.

Space Key or Left Click:

  • Jump.

Escape Key (ESC):

  • Pause the game.
  • You can check the collected treasures.

How to Play :

Collect the key and bring it to the keyhole to clear the stage and proceed to the next one.

(There are three stages in total.)

However, you cannot return to a previous stage.

There is a treasure chest hidden somewhere in each stage, so explore carefully before heading to the keyhole.

When you clear the final stage, the result screen will be displayed.

The highest possible score is 20,000 points—see if you can achieve it!

You can collect items like keys and treasure chests by touching them.

However, enemies are lurking in the map.

If you touch an enemy, you will lose a life and be sent back to the starting point.

You must distinguish between what you can touch and what you should avoid.

Touching a heart increases your remaining lives by one.

If you run out of lives and get hit, it's Game Over—so collect hearts whenever possible!

Touching a switch will activate something in the stage.

Sometimes, multiple things will move, so observe carefully to see what changes.


・Tilemap and Character(released into the public domain)


・Treasure Chest Image(released into the public domain)


・The other images are sourced from the "public domain" materials on the following website:


・Background music and Sound



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